Perhaps in this era of consumerism there is an end to the way of the fish when man swims and the egg is broken there will be a reckoning the anger of the fist shall rise and there will be no forgiveness for those who wallow in the pity of others the others who do not care what colour the sky is Black is the colour of my soul what is your colour? Do any of us really know – only the twelve men who hide in their skyscrapers of blood sweat and death the corporate war mongrels that rule the world and plunge its resources until there is no more we are fodder for the machine they know they do they hide in their twin towers of hate and roll the dice on our fate the madness is increasing the world is on a meltdown we are all melting sticky oozing flesh of the sinners and liberals like freshly discarded chewing gum on the bottom of our shoes I cannot take it anymore but death is not the answer to the question I do not even know what the question is why?why?why?why?why?why? E v e r y t h i n g is why. I like to eat meat pie. Eye am my i and i see nothing but darkness and despair. Kill them kill them kill them kill them all The wonderful sound of torment fills my void with a pleasure unbound as I lie in a pool of piss and shit and dream of dreams that don’t exist I am an eye that gazes into the pit of despair and putrid lusts surrounded by the stink fleshed ones hating them all no-where to hide no-where to cry i am alone in a land of flesh the fat ones smell of cheese the thin ones reek of bile and the in-between ones smell of sourness and decay touch the senses and use your hands to strangle some bitch on heat that wants to suffocate your life with words of love and media induced pressure of living loving and consuming one + one = one there can never be two because man is man and woman is evil and evil is in all of us we are the dead we are the living we are the past there is no future we do not really exist – who are we anyway? I am fearful of death, I am fearful of life, I am fearful of the present, I am fearful of the past and I am fearful of my EYE. I see too much and yet I do not see, speak or sing. The silent kane.waiting.watching.waiting!
Perhaps in this era of consumerism there is an end to the way of the fish when man swims and the egg is broken there will be a reckoning the anger of the fist shall rise and there will be no forgiveness for those who wallow in the pity of others the others who do not care what colour the sky is Black is the colour of my soul what is your colour? Do any of us really know – only the twelve men who hide in their skyscrapers of blood sweat and death the corporate war mongrels that rule the world and plunge its resources until there is no more we are fodder for the machine they know they do they hide in their twin towers of hate and roll the dice on our fate the madness is increasing the world is on a meltdown we are all melting sticky oozing flesh of the sinners and liberals like freshly discarded chewing gum on the bottom of our shoes I cannot take it anymore but death is not the answer to the question I do not even know what the question is why?why?why?why?why?why? E v e r y t h i n g is why. I like to eat meat pie. Eye am my i and i see nothing but darkness and despair. Kill them kill them kill them kill them all The wonderful sound of torment fills my void with a pleasure unbound as I lie in a pool of piss and shit and dream of dreams that don’t exist I am an eye that gazes into the pit of despair and putrid lusts surrounded by the stink fleshed ones hating them all no-where to hide no-where to cry i am alone in a land of flesh the fat ones smell of cheese the thin ones reek of bile and the in-between ones smell of sourness and decay touch the senses and use your hands to strangle some bitch on heat that wants to suffocate your life with words of love and media induced pressure of living loving and consuming one + one = one there can never be two because man is man and woman is evil and evil is in all of us we are the dead we are the living we are the past there is no future we do not really exist – who are we anyway? I am fearful of death, I am fearful of life, I am fearful of the present, I am fearful of the past and I am fearful of my EYE. I see too much and yet I do not see, speak or sing. The silent kane.waiting.watching.waiting!
Labels: anger.despair.hatred.sin.sex.joshua kane.mister zero., fear, hate