Mister ZER0 & Mister kANE
Some cannot loosen their own chains and can nonetheless redeem their secrets.
You must be ready to BURN yourself in your own flame: How can you become new, if you have not first become AShES?
I have the black wings of Gabriel, and they’re BleediNG. For as I watch the blue-eyed Victorian fairy in the snow, inside I’m an electric jelly. I must walk through the door of wisdom and make myself whole once again.
Mister Zero quotes from the messages of IT. He receives them when he is sleeping and strangely having horrific nightmares about a film being made about ‘IT’.
Fear is just the cage around us. Once we get out of all this, things will not be that bad!
Today Mister Zero and his therapist spoke about I n d e P E n d e n c y
And the fantasy of d a m a g e.
Mister Zero spends his entire life discussing and throwing away the unwanted detritus of the OTHERS.
The risk of developing a psychotic illness in life is associated with being brought up in a wooden BOX.
We need a place where shapes and sounds have all but disappeared and our bodies only exist as a memory.
Inevitably. IT is a shadow, a small grey cloud, a dirty tissue waiting for incineration. It doesn’t think it parodies and impersonates and on IT’s skin lies mould.
Kane and Zero have upset the balance and for that the punishment will be severe.
THE Anger over their behaviour will not be extinguished, much like the flames of death that is our destiny.
Our misery will the IT’s happiness.
Some cannot loosen their own chains and can nonetheless redeem their secrets.
You must be ready to BURN yourself in your own flame: How can you become new, if you have not first become AShES?
I have the black wings of Gabriel, and they’re BleediNG. For as I watch the blue-eyed Victorian fairy in the snow, inside I’m an electric jelly. I must walk through the door of wisdom and make myself whole once again.
Mister Zero quotes from the messages of IT. He receives them when he is sleeping and strangely having horrific nightmares about a film being made about ‘IT’.
Fear is just the cage around us. Once we get out of all this, things will not be that bad!
Today Mister Zero and his therapist spoke about I n d e P E n d e n c y
And the fantasy of d a m a g e.
Mister Zero spends his entire life discussing and throwing away the unwanted detritus of the OTHERS.
The risk of developing a psychotic illness in life is associated with being brought up in a wooden BOX.
We need a place where shapes and sounds have all but disappeared and our bodies only exist as a memory.
Inevitably. IT is a shadow, a small grey cloud, a dirty tissue waiting for incineration. It doesn’t think it parodies and impersonates and on IT’s skin lies mould.
Kane and Zero have upset the balance and for that the punishment will be severe.
THE Anger over their behaviour will not be extinguished, much like the flames of death that is our destiny.
Our misery will the IT’s happiness.
Labels: mister zero.IT.joshua kane.murkyworld.madness.paranoia.evil.
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