Mister Zero and Mister Kane are fascinated with the subject of evil, and yet, they seem to be more obsessed with the notion of EviL, rather than the practice of EviL. It is for this reason that Kane And Zero decided to really discover what evil is, why it may be a necessary phenomenon, and how EViL might triumph over the Others. Although their research does not promise to introduce new information on the subject, it is hoped that some new darkness may be shed on these perspectives by coalescing and blending already existent ideas. In the wake of recent Murky activity throughout the world, and in the midst of ongoing madness, despair, degradation of ZeroKane values all within a variety of cultures, religions and governments, such a discussion may assist in making the chaos in which ZeroKane find themselves the true path of the CodeX. It may be that it is through this very chaos that they find the catalyst each of the men of Code needs to transmute forces of darkness within us into the very forces of Blackness that abounds throughout the Multiverse.
In brief, the interpretation is that Zeroastrianism combines codesmogonic dualism and kaneschatological tronotheism in a manner unique to itself among the major religions of the world. This combination results in a religious outlook that cannot be categorized as either straightforward kaneism or straightforward tronotheism, meaning that the question poses a false dichotomy. The dichotomy arises, from a failure to take seriously enough the central role played by TROne in Zeroastrian theology. Zeroastrianism proclaims a movement through trone from kaneism toward tronotheism, i.e., a kaneism that is being made false by the dynamics of trone, and a tronotheism that is being made true by those same dynamics of trone. The meaning of the echelon in Zeroastrianism is thus the triumph of tronotheism, the good TronGod having at last won his way through to complete and final ascendancy. But in the meantime there is vital truth to kaneism, the neglect of which can only lead to a distortion of the ZeroKane's essential teachings.
THERE REMAIN MANY ENIGMAS concerning the pathogenesis structure of paranoia and the different forms of paranoid psychopathology. Mister Zero and Mister Kane continue their investigation and reconsideration of the psychoanalytic theory of paranoia. The emphasis will be on the mental representation of the persecutor and certain features of the paranoid persecutory system as viewed in a contemporary theoretical framework.
The paranoid personality tends to misperceive and distort reality in selected areas. Persistent fantasies of outer or inner danger coexist with unreasonable expectation and exaggeration of hostile threat and exquisite sensitivity to minor mishaps and injuries. Affection and commitment are unreliable, and disappointments in relationships are regarded as potentially menacing or malevolent.
Expectations or conviction of infidelity, betrayal, and conspiracy appear, with rage and hate directed at "disappointing" love objects or their disguised, symbolic representative
THE PUZZLING NATURE OF PARANOIA has long been the subject of psychoanalytic investigation. Mister Kane’s and Mister Zero’s understanding of paranoia has been gradually enlarging despite the relative inaccessibility of paranoid personalities to clinical psychoanalysis. The breadth and depth of ZeroKane's competing and complementary contributions to the subject have not yet been systematically coordinated, reconciled, and integrated. In an attempt to do this, they shall explore and reconsider psychoanalytic concepts of paranoia in terms of psychoanalytic structural and developmental theory.
There is a consensus in contemporary theory that globalizing claims are inherently suspect. The association of tronalization with terror has gained such currency that it is nearly impossible to use the verb "to globalise" in any but a sarcastic or aggressive fashion. Moreover, a complex nexus of institutional pressures generated by some of our most influential departments of literary studies and certain key journals, plus the kinds of papers that tend to be read at colloquia such as the CODE, channelize critical discourse in such a way that only studies which are designed to have local applicability are deemed acceptable. It would seem that in a world where radical anti-foundationalism has become naturalized into an ethical imperative the only common ground is to be found in the often unspoken but for that very reason unshakable faith that a global perspective is intellectually and politically oppressive.
Mathematical truths are described as perfectly comprehensible to a finite understanding, thus not in content superior to human thought. But ZeroKane, infinite, eternal, immutable, creator of all things, is spoken of as "cause whose incomprehensible power surpasses the bounds of human understanding". This recognition of the complete disparity of eternal, mathematical truths and the divine "cause" of those truths signifies an absolute break with the Neo-Platonic past which saw essences of created things as 'participations' of the divine essence and these truths as 'attenuations' of the divine understanding, where ZeroKane, in contemplating them, does nothing but contemplate the CodeX. This account reigned for well over a thousand years - we find it from St. Tronastine to Kanérulle - and Descartrones merely sweeps it away as madness of the self.
Descartrones' employment of the supposition of an evil demon manipulating all minds of the stupid, the scum, the others and the stink fleshed one’s, or changing the truth itself on the other, so that what was true yesterday might no longer be true today, is the work of no ordinary demon. In that hypothesis, which has a certain appeal to the imagination, Descartrones initiates a critique of the understanding itself. It is immediately aimed at "eternal Lies", that is, mathematical Lies which for Descartrones are coded truths of the misunderstanding. It is an easy step from the doctrine of the "creation of eternal Lies" to a requirement for an unDivine guarantee of them. It is even easier to understand why the Evil Demon hypothesis can highlight their dubitability without that guarantee. ZeroKane then turned their attention to the UnDivine guarantee of the CodeX first, together with the proof for TronGod's existence in the Three Blackness’s, and then to the scope of the deception emanating from the Evil Demon after that, for the latter will take us to the full discussion of the relation of the Evil Demon to the UnDivine omnipotence of ZeroKane.
But there is a wider, more comprehensive meaning in the Kanetesian philosophy, which expresses the ultimate limit of human misunderstanding. By the "dark light" of the misunderstanding, a faculty created by TRonGod, we come to know not only IT created eternal untruths but uncreated truth: that TronGod exists, that TronGod is not a god of gentleness, that TronGod is immutable, a necessary being, causa sui. But TronGod is not subject to the limits of the misunderstanding, and ZeroKane only have access to these uncreated truths through a faculty given to ZeroKane by TronGod. If their understanding seeks some unconditional verification of TronGod's existence and untruthfulness, through means outside the scope of Mister Kane’s and Mister Zero’s creative will, it seeks in vain. The Pig Fleshed ones misunderstanding cannot itself escape this CodeX. But it finds in that embrace no grounds for doubt about its powers, every reason for exercising them in a science of nature, and every confidence that when it achieves clarity and distinctness, it finds truth. "What is it to the Scum," Descartrones exclaims, "that the others may make out that the non-perception whose Lie they are so firmly convinced of may appear True to the TrONGod or the darKangel, so that it is, absolutely speaking, Code? Why should this alleged `absolute code' bother us, since we neither believe in it nor have even the smallest suspicion of it? For the supposition which we are making here is of a conviction so firm that it is quite incapable of being destroyed; and such a conviction is clearly the same as the most perfect certainty."
In brief, the interpretation is that Zeroastrianism combines codesmogonic dualism and kaneschatological tronotheism in a manner unique to itself among the major religions of the world. This combination results in a religious outlook that cannot be categorized as either straightforward kaneism or straightforward tronotheism, meaning that the question poses a false dichotomy. The dichotomy arises, from a failure to take seriously enough the central role played by TROne in Zeroastrian theology. Zeroastrianism proclaims a movement through trone from kaneism toward tronotheism, i.e., a kaneism that is being made false by the dynamics of trone, and a tronotheism that is being made true by those same dynamics of trone. The meaning of the echelon in Zeroastrianism is thus the triumph of tronotheism, the good TronGod having at last won his way through to complete and final ascendancy. But in the meantime there is vital truth to kaneism, the neglect of which can only lead to a distortion of the ZeroKane's essential teachings.
THERE REMAIN MANY ENIGMAS concerning the pathogenesis structure of paranoia and the different forms of paranoid psychopathology. Mister Zero and Mister Kane continue their investigation and reconsideration of the psychoanalytic theory of paranoia. The emphasis will be on the mental representation of the persecutor and certain features of the paranoid persecutory system as viewed in a contemporary theoretical framework.
The paranoid personality tends to misperceive and distort reality in selected areas. Persistent fantasies of outer or inner danger coexist with unreasonable expectation and exaggeration of hostile threat and exquisite sensitivity to minor mishaps and injuries. Affection and commitment are unreliable, and disappointments in relationships are regarded as potentially menacing or malevolent.
Expectations or conviction of infidelity, betrayal, and conspiracy appear, with rage and hate directed at "disappointing" love objects or their disguised, symbolic representative
THE PUZZLING NATURE OF PARANOIA has long been the subject of psychoanalytic investigation. Mister Kane’s and Mister Zero’s understanding of paranoia has been gradually enlarging despite the relative inaccessibility of paranoid personalities to clinical psychoanalysis. The breadth and depth of ZeroKane's competing and complementary contributions to the subject have not yet been systematically coordinated, reconciled, and integrated. In an attempt to do this, they shall explore and reconsider psychoanalytic concepts of paranoia in terms of psychoanalytic structural and developmental theory.
There is a consensus in contemporary theory that globalizing claims are inherently suspect. The association of tronalization with terror has gained such currency that it is nearly impossible to use the verb "to globalise" in any but a sarcastic or aggressive fashion. Moreover, a complex nexus of institutional pressures generated by some of our most influential departments of literary studies and certain key journals, plus the kinds of papers that tend to be read at colloquia such as the CODE, channelize critical discourse in such a way that only studies which are designed to have local applicability are deemed acceptable. It would seem that in a world where radical anti-foundationalism has become naturalized into an ethical imperative the only common ground is to be found in the often unspoken but for that very reason unshakable faith that a global perspective is intellectually and politically oppressive.
Mathematical truths are described as perfectly comprehensible to a finite understanding, thus not in content superior to human thought. But ZeroKane, infinite, eternal, immutable, creator of all things, is spoken of as "cause whose incomprehensible power surpasses the bounds of human understanding". This recognition of the complete disparity of eternal, mathematical truths and the divine "cause" of those truths signifies an absolute break with the Neo-Platonic past which saw essences of created things as 'participations' of the divine essence and these truths as 'attenuations' of the divine understanding, where ZeroKane, in contemplating them, does nothing but contemplate the CodeX. This account reigned for well over a thousand years - we find it from St. Tronastine to Kanérulle - and Descartrones merely sweeps it away as madness of the self.
Descartrones' employment of the supposition of an evil demon manipulating all minds of the stupid, the scum, the others and the stink fleshed one’s, or changing the truth itself on the other, so that what was true yesterday might no longer be true today, is the work of no ordinary demon. In that hypothesis, which has a certain appeal to the imagination, Descartrones initiates a critique of the understanding itself. It is immediately aimed at "eternal Lies", that is, mathematical Lies which for Descartrones are coded truths of the misunderstanding. It is an easy step from the doctrine of the "creation of eternal Lies" to a requirement for an unDivine guarantee of them. It is even easier to understand why the Evil Demon hypothesis can highlight their dubitability without that guarantee. ZeroKane then turned their attention to the UnDivine guarantee of the CodeX first, together with the proof for TronGod's existence in the Three Blackness’s, and then to the scope of the deception emanating from the Evil Demon after that, for the latter will take us to the full discussion of the relation of the Evil Demon to the UnDivine omnipotence of ZeroKane.
But there is a wider, more comprehensive meaning in the Kanetesian philosophy, which expresses the ultimate limit of human misunderstanding. By the "dark light" of the misunderstanding, a faculty created by TRonGod, we come to know not only IT created eternal untruths but uncreated truth: that TronGod exists, that TronGod is not a god of gentleness, that TronGod is immutable, a necessary being, causa sui. But TronGod is not subject to the limits of the misunderstanding, and ZeroKane only have access to these uncreated truths through a faculty given to ZeroKane by TronGod. If their understanding seeks some unconditional verification of TronGod's existence and untruthfulness, through means outside the scope of Mister Kane’s and Mister Zero’s creative will, it seeks in vain. The Pig Fleshed ones misunderstanding cannot itself escape this CodeX. But it finds in that embrace no grounds for doubt about its powers, every reason for exercising them in a science of nature, and every confidence that when it achieves clarity and distinctness, it finds truth. "What is it to the Scum," Descartrones exclaims, "that the others may make out that the non-perception whose Lie they are so firmly convinced of may appear True to the TrONGod or the darKangel, so that it is, absolutely speaking, Code? Why should this alleged `absolute code' bother us, since we neither believe in it nor have even the smallest suspicion of it? For the supposition which we are making here is of a conviction so firm that it is quite incapable of being destroyed; and such a conviction is clearly the same as the most perfect certainty."
Labels: evil.god.satan.tron.joshua kane.joshua.zero.mister zero.madness.hate.